My Time in California

I am Marcus Keith Shepherd. I am serving in the California San Fernando Spanish-Speaking Mission. My family will be updating this blog weekly (hopefully) with information and pictures about what goes on out here. Tune in regularly to see what my life is like out there.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Here's my new year's resolution (In November)


We haven't been having the best weeks, lately. The problem is that Elder Adamovich has insomnia, and so he doesn't get the greatest sleep in the world. He usually sleeps past 7:15, and so that's been a problem. It's not for him, since he has medical permission to do so, but it's a problem for the rest of the people in the apartment because it's contagious. We have been trying hard to get up, but it has so far been unsuccessful. We are going to try, however, from now on to get up, and work out at 6:00 AM. It's really hard, but I have 15 pounds of weight to lose, so I'll do anything to do it. Also, proselyting work hasn't been too great, so we're making a resolve to up our efforts in that. So yeah, there's my November years resolutions.
As far as the work, we haven't been getting much different. We found a less-active family, and we're trying to bring them back to church. As for our investigator, she came to church, but her autistic son was acting up, and so she excused herself and left. I was really disappointed when that happened, because she's progressing really well. We're praying that something good happens soon, though.
That's about it for this week. Stay tuned till next week.

Con amor

Elder Shepherd

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